Since I gave up my previous xanga site I have actually been thinking of starting a new blog. Yet due to millions of reasons (excuses)...studies...socialising...laziness...self-doubt. Then I realise sometimes too much considerations can be bad for you haha! So rather to keep saying to myself "Um..shall I do it or not?...Would I...? What if...? Blar blar blar...I just say to myself just go for it if you want it! Instead of wasting time balancing the pros and cons, just do it and prove to yourself that you made the right choice! To be or not to be...To blog or not to blog...that is not a question anymore! Finally I am here now and I will be sharing more or less anything about myself, my life and my personal opinion (well is my blog!) as well as my interest in Art and Design! (since I am a graphic design student) So get ready for some rather clever and interesting stuffs haha...I will try my best to keep updating my blog and to make it nice...and please come and say Hi to me! If I don't know you I will say "nice to meet you" and get to know you more! But if you know me already that is even better haha (that means I am famous)!! Anyway hope everyone would enjoy it!!